Programs & Leagues

Scholarship App.Roy Wagner, Junior Scholarship

The Roy Wagner, Jr. Scholarship award is given annually to a York County youth pursuing a degree in forestry, wildlife, marine science or environment. Roy was a very active member of our club and started the first hunters education course. He held various positions with the Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsmen and was the Pennsylvania Game Commissioner for 14 years (1981 – 1995). The Jefferson Sportsmen’s Association along with the Jefferson Rifle Club are the sponsors of this scholarship. The scholarship has been increased to $2000.

Applications at the club or by calling 717-229-2608.

Click here to download Application   Scholarship App.

Hunter Safety Courses

You will learn safety techniques for firearms, archery, trapping as well as survival tips and first aid. These events are free but you must pre-register. A maximum of 70 students will be enrolled in this course. Lunch will be provided on Saturday. There is now a change to the procedure for registering to the Hunter-Trapper Education Course. Every Student needs to register online at If unable to register online, contact Jim Staub, DWCO at 717-637-3750.

If unable to register online, Contact Jim Staub, DWCO at 717-637-3750.

Winter Indoor .22 Shoot

Indoor Archery / .22 Range

The Indoor .22 starts in January and runs for 10 weeks. Shoot times will be on Wednesday 3:00pm until 8:00pm. Categories are pistol & rifle, scope & open sights. Cost is $ 4.00 per Gun. This event is open to Public.

Check Event Calendar for specific dates.

3D Archery Shoots

3D Archery Shoots will be held the first Sunday of the month starting in May and run through August. The last shoot in August is normally our fundraiser for Hunt of a Lifetime. (HOAL). Registration begins at 7:00am until 12:00 pm. Cost is $ 10.00 at Reg. Shoots & $ 15.00 for HOAL Youth 15 & under shoot Free. This event is open to Public.

These shoots are currently suspended, and we are in need of volunteers for our Archery Committee.  Hopefully we will resume soon. Check Event Calendar for specific dates


Trap Range

Trap begins in April and runs through September every Thursday. Come out and enjoy the camaraderie of your follow sportsmen and women. Start time is 4:30pm or when we have enough shooters to start a round . We  will also shoot doubles if there is enough interest. Cost per 25 shots is $ 5.00. This event is open to Public.

Check Event Calendar for specific dates.

Adopt-A-Highway Litter Pickup

Coordinator for Adopt-a-Highway for JSA is : Bob Yeater
Phone – 717-792-3127 E-mail:

Meeting Point for each date is at the Parking Lot across from The Codorus State Park Visitor’s Center on Smith Station Rd. At least 8 volunteers are needed for each collection date in order for the job to be done efficiently. With that number of people, no one would need to serve more than 2 hours on any one of these dates.

Check Event Calendar for specific dates.

JSA’S RESPONSIBILITY – Our assignment is 2.6 Miles along Blooming Grove Rd. (Route 216) thru Codorus State Park.

  • START at Smith Station Rd. and Blooming Grove Rd. 
  • END at Morning Star Rd. and Blooming Grove Rd.

The ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY program began as a result of citizens requesting this type program in the commonwealth. PENNDOT’S program was not the result of a legislative mandate. 49 states currently have programs in place. The program started in Texas in 1985. PA’s program started in 1990, and has become the largest program in the nation. The JSA Organization became involved in this program in 1991. We have continued performing this community service ever since, making us one of the longest-serving organizations in York County and the entire Commonwealth.


The Codorus State Park is pleased to have the JSA’s help in keeping our park looking its’ best. The 3490 acre park provides many recreational opportunities. Recent statistics show that the number of park visitors in a year has exceeded over 1.4 MILLION. In 2015, Codorus State Park had an Eagle Cam that was viewed by 1.5 MILLION people around the world! The number of vehicles that travel on Route 216 thru the park is over 4 MILLION per year.

Coordinator for Adopt-a-Highway for JSA is : Bob Yeater
Phone – 717-792-3127 E-mail:

Gloves and vests are provided by PENNDOT. Bags are provided by the park. At completion of litter pick-up, full bags of trash should be grouped together.